> "hello world ! "

My name's Nate, and I used to go by a (slightly) different name when I used to release music. My experiences with what I consider the "legacy" (i.e. not web3) music industry, along with the new focus on viral marketing campaigns and shift to an industry that values content creation over the music itself led me to take an indefinite break from my music project. I decided to instead focus my energy on fixing what I (and as I've come to realize - many others) believe is wrong with the industry.

Anyways that's enough about me. On this page you'll find articles about my experiences in web3 as a musician, Op-Ed's about the state of the music industry as it transitions to blockchain, with some philosophy sprinkled here and there (for good measure).

Make sure you hit that follow button to keep up with my shenanigans as I try to build the next generation of music at my company @treblehq (on twitter).

Medium member since March 2024
Connect with nate.js


Artist, web3 dev, founder/CEO @treblehq. I write about my experiences with web3, music, and the intersection of the two.